Friday, June 4, 2010

Window Gazing

Photo by Steve Ranney - Graffiti in Paris

It was one of my co-worker's last days at work yesterday. I have been uncharacteristically crabby with her recently. I rationalized it as it's OK; she's kind of annoying. Or it's been rainy out; I've been crabby with everyone. Or it's just work stress, since I didn't know what was happening or how it would affect me. Would my work load increase by 50%?! It's certainly not her fault. None of these are justifiable reasons to be rude to someone in any case.

Then I looked into the mirror, so to speak and realized that I was jealous of her. Jealous that she could just quit this stupid job, jealous that she gets to enjoy her summer, jealous that she knows what she wants to do and has a plan to do it. She's going to grad school to be a Spanish teacher.


It's time to end the tantrum. Really. It's not helping anyone. If I want to quit my job, travel, enjoy my summer, go to grad school or whatever it is that I dream for myself then I need to make it happen. Moping and being crabby to innocent bystanders is not the solution. I know this. It's fairly obvious.

I am over yesterday's epiphany but I still wanted to write it out as a reminder. Today it's gorgeous and sunny out. I am going to get some breakfast, then look at scooters! Wish me luck that I can find something that fits my personality.