Monday, December 26, 2011

Year in Review 2011

Year in Review 2011

1) Where did you begin 2011?

Warren & I began 2011 with a week’s staycation. We gathered at Piepo and Natasha’s for New Year’s Eve with a small group of friends. ‘twas a mellow affair.

2. What did you do in 2011 that you'd never done before?

I served on the Board of Directors of two non-profits.

I am extremely proud to be one of the founding board members of the Portland Artists Clinic along with Doctors Tineke Malus & Marcea Wiggins, Madame Secretary Erin Malus, Angela Carter, Kristin Theil, and Tim Miller. We created the Articles of Incorporation, wrote the bylaws for the organization and laid the foundation to establishing its 501(c)3 status. We found a physical location within the Falcon Art Community where volunteer health care professionals could start seeing local artists who lack health insurance or who lack access to primary care through their existing insurance. I started a mailing list, created the newsletters for the organization, and participated in community outreach. I intend to continue to support of this amazing group of volunteers and this much needed service as an advisory board member or as specific opportunities present themselves in the future. If you have time or resources to donate I highly recommend checking out the Portland Artists Clinic.

I was elected to serve on the board of directors for Common Ground Wellness Center as it transitions to from a non-profit to becoming a co-operative. The plan is that the old location at Flanders House will operate separately from the bathouse location at NE 33rd & Alberta to the mutual benefit of both entities. I helped to write the bylaws for the new cooperative business model, took on the role as Secretary and am working with others to develop a policy governance structure for the board of directors. I coordinated volunteers to represent Common Ground Wellness Center at Earth Day, Gay Pride, and one of the Sunday in the Parkways. I am continuing my efforts into membership recruitment for the co-op.

Bought a house.

Warren really deserves credit for buying the house, including his enduring patience as we rejected house after house in a process that dragged out over a year’s time until we found the right one for us. We used a checklist to quantify our deal breakers (walking distance to a grocery store, access to bus lines) and exactly what we wanted (porch for sitting, fruit trees, solarium, shop for Warren). Kudos to Eric Steindler who diligently drove out to show us places after work & on the weekends over & over again. I enacted a goal of no new commitments for about 45 days during the moving process which was much more challenging than I would have expected. No new social engagements for about 45 days. To our friends that helped us move – many, many thanks! We couldn’t have done it without you.

Since moving in we’ve dealt with the joys of homeownership. We bought a refrigerator. Warren had contractors out to replace the six feet of concrete that was missing in the foundation and to reconnect our water line to the city of Portland. We discovered a possum moving around the attic crawl space which we had live trapped and Warren released. Warren took a chain saw to the bushes along the porch it was likely using as access. Next up: new patio, removal of the holly tree and Warren intends to start some raised beds for gardening.

3. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

I don’t generally make New Year’s Resolutions. I am happily done with the smoking bit. Next year I would like to go swimming once a week, do more yoga in the mornings and more moving every day. Simplifying and self care are at the top of the list for 2012.

4. Were you in school (anytime this year)?

This is the year I almost went to graduate school. I took Geography 380 – Maps and Geographic Information at Portland State University last winter which was the pre-requisite class for the GIS Graduate Certificate program . I got admitted formally to the program – thanks to all those who offered inspiration, mentorship and who wrote my letters of recommendation: Analisa Fenix, Patti Duncan, Patricia Schechter, John Price & Tom Archer.

I postponed going to graduate school in the spring due to the house buying & moving. I was about to commit & jump into it for fall term. I had even accepted the student loans part (now you too can have $20,000 in debt with three mouse clicks!) when I was offered the job at PECI . I decided to go with the job at the non-profit instead of graduate school.

5. Did anyone close to you give birth?

Several people on my friends list gave birth this year but I wouldn’t say I was close to any of them in particular. Congrats to the new mamas!

6. Any new additions to your family?

My cousin Jason Jasperson & his wife Lisa had a little one recently.

7. Did anyone close to you die?

Justin VanAlstyne removed himself from this world. His passing was honored in Santa Cruz & at the temple at the Burning Man this year – neither of which I was able to attend.

8. Did you know anybody who got married?

Jed & Meghan got married in October. Warren cooked a whole pig onsite at Tidewater for the celebration. Thanks to Kirsteen for helping us get our gear out to the site and back. Rainiest. Wedding. Ever. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.

Jesse and Melani Banks had a fancy hat wedding which was amazingly fabulous. Where are the pictures?! Good person + good person = more awesomeness. Yes, please.

9. What countries did you visit?

None. Something which I fully intend on focusing on for 2012.

10. How did you earn your money?

My job at the Law Firm and through the temp agency Motus Recruiting while working at PECI from Sept – present.

11. Where did most of your money go?

House buying. Utilities. Food. Student loans.

12. Did you have any encounters with the police?


13. What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011?

Simplicity. Swimming. Reading books. Travel – lots of travel.

14. What date from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?

Tineke & Erin’s announcement that they were moving to Utah. You are dearly missed. You are both friends of a special caliber, friends that make me feel at home & at ease whenever you are in my presence. Friends who inspire me to dream big, to be a better version myself and to share that with my community. I am glad to have been able to head out to eastern Oregon with you for Tineke’s birthday and look forward to more adventures to come. Love you!

15. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

This year was huge. Warren & I bought our first house after a year of seeking. We painted it, moved across town and are slowly making it our own. I finally found a job for a non-profit that I enjoy with smart people and a progressive work culture promoting energy efficiency. Have I mentioned that my job is awesome?! I’ve been honored to volunteer with stellar people with the Portland Artists Clinic and Common Ground Wellness Center.

16. What was your biggest failure?

Letting my self esteem suffer due to the job situation at the law firm before I quit.

17. Did you suffer illness or injury?

None, but I definitely need to work on preventive health & wellness.

18. Where did you go on holidays/vacation?

Camping at the land for Land Prom and Land Olympics. Eastern Oregon and Summer Lake Hot Springs for Tineke’s birthday. NW String Summit at Hornings Hideout with my sister’s family from Montana. The beach with the extended family. Burning Log at Moon Creek over Labor Day weekend.

19. What was the best thing you bought?

Our house.

20. Whose behavior merited celebration?

Warren wins for being the love of my life. You kiss my eyes softly every morning. You find new vegan places for me to eat & are patient with our differences. You pay attention to what I like. You watch more historical movies with costumes. You just answer the question when I ask if you’ve locked the door again. You’ll rescue a damsel in distress when my scooter doesn’t start. While it’d be cool to be the kind of girl who fixes her own scooter, I’m just not her yet. You look after scary noises in the attic and set free the possum. You wire electricity in the house like it’s no big thing all the while saying, “I’m just this guy.” Let it be known that this girl loves you more than words can say not just because of what you do but for who you are inside. Imagine me arms out & smiling on you. You encourage me to be a better person and help me to realize my dreams. Thank you for living everyday with me.

21. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?

I would have to say Marta McEachern earns this one although there are several at my former place of employment that would be runners up. I have never encountered such consistently negative personalities, worked in such a hostile environment or been demoted before. I don’t usually name names on the negative side of the coin as my face tends to reveal my truth when I don’t approve or like someone. Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt was not the place for me and thankfully I am not employed there any longer.

22. What did you get really, really, really excited about?

I have to say I was really, really excited about finding our house and my new job.

23. Did you move anywhere?


24. Where do you live now? Woodstock neighborhood.

25. What memorable shows/events/natural phenomena did you see in 2011?

Roastavox, Covers & Blankets, Girls Guide to Dominatrix for Dummies, Zoe Keating @ the Aladdin Theater, Trek in the Park, Shakespeare in the Park, the White Album show.

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