Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bald Eagles on San Juan Island

We'd already spent a couple of days on Orcas Island, staying at Doe Bay resort eating amazing food some grown in their garden on site, camping, soaking in hot tubs overlooking the bay, observing vistas from old stone look outs, cloud bursting, hiking amongst waterfalls, and whatnot.

We'd taken the ferry over to Friday Harbor, on San Juan Island. We checked into our bed & breakfast where we'd been upgraded, appropriately enough, to the honeymoon suite. The gardens were gorgeous. There was an outdoor hot tub, and since we were the only guests, private enough.

We looked through the local menus to get an idea of where to go for dinner. I picked one menu, without an address. Reservations were made, and later we found out it was the "best restaurant on the island" according to our host. We had some time before dinner. As it was our only night on the island, we decided to drive north to the other harbor. Maybe we'd catch the sunset, see a sculpture garden, have a couple cocktails. We took the road out of town.

Along the way we saw some large birds circling in the sky. We slowed. We looked. "Pull over," I requested. It was a bald eagle. Closer inspection revealed multiple bald eagles. A woman who pulled up on the roadside with us later, excited to show this phenomenal event off to her granddaughters, explained it to me. A farmer periodically put out food for the eagles, randomly so as not to interrupt their feeding cycle or cause dependency issues. The male eagles stacked themselves up in particular tree. Across the road another would call.

One would go, swooping downward.

Then another.

Then another.

Then another.

They were teaching their young to hunt.

The adults would go, then the young.

Then repeat.

Another car pulled over.

After twenty minutes so so it was winding down. The show was over.

I saw bald eagles, and earlier in the day, dorsal fins of whales in the distance.

I don't have a picture of the eagles but I hope to remember.

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